Malabar Coast Spore Print


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The Strain

Malabar Mushroom grows quickly and easily and is therefore considered a good strain for beginners. Yield size varies from very poor to excellent, though agar work to stabilize genetics should help with that. Colonization time is typically short[ii].

The Trip

The trip effects of the Malabar Mushroom are again those of Psilocybe cubensis in general: altered mood and thought processes and altered perceptions (especially at higher doses).

For most users most of the time, “altered mood” means euphoria and feelings of connection. Some people use psilocybin to treat themselves for anxiety, and they report good results. The paradox that mushrooms can both reduce and cause anxiety is one of the things that suggests psilocybin does not so much alter the user’s mood as enhance it. Go in relaxed and feeling good, and you’ll have a good time. Go in worried, and you could have a nightmare. This is why mindset and physical setting are so important when preparing for a trip. It’s also worth saying that for those with the personal understanding and emotional maturity to accept uncomfortable emotions, “bad trips” can be important growth opportunities. “Altered thought processes” can include important personal and spiritual insights, though it’s important to take the time to process these after the trip and learn from them or they won’t do much good.

Potency for this strain is highly variable; a clone taken from a weak batch can produce very strong fruits.


Malabar Mushroom grows quickly and easily and is therefore considered a good strain for beginners. Yield size varies from very poor to excellent, though agar work to stabilize genetics should help with that. Colonization time is typically short[ii].

Although any tek that works for Psilocybe cubensis generally will likely work for Malabar, reportedly[iii] its favorite substrates include rye grain, wheat straw, and horse or cattle manure. Ideal temperature during colonization is 28° C (82° F), while fruiting should be anywhere from 23°-26° C (73° -78° F.)


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