Friends, wow the myco community is really growing and I love that but it has really affected business for me. There are so many vendors out there and people just don’t really know who to buy from anymore. If you enjoyed my products please tell a friend. I want to keep doing what I do. What I am trying to achieve here feels worthwhile. I feel like lives are changing. People are feeling more love.
If you would PLEASE consider leaving a review on Instagram (Tag #theprincessofcubensis ) or leave a Reddit review it would mean a lot to me. Being a mycology vendor is a tough space to be successful in and is a naturally slow time of year. Your reviews make this possible. Reviews CONVERT TO SALES and I want to be able to continue on this path of sharing great, easily growable genetics with you and honestly I am not sure how long I’ll be able to do that if it continues to be so slow. If you enjoyed this order please leave reviews!
Reddit: r/mycobuyselltrade
On a personal note:
I’ve included an amethyst heart crystal with your order. Amethyst has the very potent ability to ease anxiety and help you tune in better to your natural intuition.
Amethyst is associated with the opening of the third eye chakra, It is a natural tranquilizer that aids in dispelling fear, rage and anxiety. It has been known to play a role in metabolism bringing balance to the endocrine system. Some tribes believe this stone can boost your immunity to diseases of the skin, lungs and respiratory tract. My personal favorite thing about this stone is how powerful it is against psychic attack. Maybe you don’t believe in all that but have you ever had a moment where you called a friend and they told you they were just about to call you? They thought of you at the same time you thought of them. It’s because like mycelium we are all connected so if someone is out there thinking negatively about you it can affect your mood also – Amethyst protects against this. -= Mush Love, Seraphim <3
I have bought many liquid cultures from you now and they’re the best cultures I find anywhere so yeah I would suggest going to 3ntheogenik. I’ve had very good success
Thank you so so so much!!!!!
I thought id lost you. So happy to have found my way back to you again!! Ready to bring some sunshine back into our lives..cuz there was no way I would want to go on this journey with anyone else
Awe! Thank you. I am still here!!!! xo
I haven’t bought anything from anyone yet but I plan on buy from you I studied everyone I’ve come across you definitely seem to be the person I would want my money going to and I trust your judgment and dedication to the mycology community I will spread your content around to friends
I’m about to place my second order with 3ntheogenik. I have no complaints! The LC I already got is alive and well!