Ban Hua Thanon Spore Print


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***beginner friendly Strain***


John Allen found Ban Hua Thanon (BHT) growing on the island of Koh Samui, close to where he collected the much more famous “Koh Samui strain” during his travels in the 90s.

Some confusing resources claim Ban Hua Thanon was discovered on a Vietnamese island called “Ban Hua Thanon.” However, this is false information.

Although the Ban Hua Thanon strain never achieved the popularity of other southeast Asian strains, it’s found itself a healthy niche following among some growers in the United States.

This strain is highly regarded for its excellent contamination resistance and heat tolerance. It’s also a characteristically aggressive colonizer and can cope with unoptimized growing environments, traits that make it a fantastic choice for beginner cultivators.

Ban Hua Thanon’s potency is comparable to other Southeast Asian strains, such as Ban Phang Ka and Lipa Yai. Psilocybin levels are relatively average, but good yields over several dense flushes make up for the lack of potency.

In terms of looks, Ban Hua Thanon is also pretty average. The mushrooms look similar to Golden Teachers, producing long white stems of moderate thickness and rounded golden caps that are convex through maturity. There’s a darker brown circle on the center of the caps, and a small nipple can protrude from here but not always.

Overall, Ban Hua Thanon is a well-rounded strain that won’t win any awards for potency or looks. However, what it lacks in appearance and psilocybin levels, it makes up for contamination resistance, aggressive colonization habits, and decent yield potential.


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