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3ntheogenik.com recently sponsored Michigan’s Entheofest and we made the news! I could NOT have gotten here without your love, support and friendship . The Article:


Ann Arbor’s Entheofest promotes psychedelichealing,controversialmagic mushrooms 

Marina Johnson 

Detroit Free Press 

Published 11:14 a.m. ET Sept. 18, 2023 Updated 11:14 a.m. ET Sept. 18, 2023 

Ann Arbor, already home to Hash Bash, is embracing another controversial mind-altering substance: magic mushrooms. 

Crowds gathered in the Diag on Sunday, with a long line forming outside the tent for 

3ntheogenik.com. Turns out, the line was worth the wait, as the owner, Seraphim Catz of Grand Rapids, passed out psilocybin mushroom spores for visitors to grow themselves. 

Catz handed out two distinct packages, one for those new to mushroom growing, and one for those with a bit more experience. 

“One pack as a spore syringe and instructions on how to use the syringe to easily grow your own mushrooms and for people who are a little more advanced than a syringe, we’ve got agar plates that you use with a swab of spores to grow out a perfected, clean culture,” she said. 

Catz started growing mushrooms in 2019 after her best friend lost her life to suicide: “I feel like if I had known about mushrooms, I could have saved her life and that’s why I do this.” 

The 2023 Entheofest event, which takes place annually at the University of Michigan’s Diag, advocates for the decriminalization and legalization of psychedelics, including psilocybin mushrooms, and it’s all thanks to the progression of Hash Bash. 


One comment

  1. I live in San Diego but Ann arbor is my hometown. I’m 74 and prefer the weather here of course but God I sure miss Ann arbor. This is one of the reasons! The other one is the hash bash!

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