I had a beautiful dream recently.
In my dream I was asked “How do you feel RIGHT NOW?”
I responded, “CONTENT”.
I took some time to sit with that feeling of contentment. I really wanted to absorb the peace I felt in that moment within my dream.
Then I was told (and shown) how important it is to be content in every moment of the day that you can control.
It’s become so normalized in our culture to think about the next move…. to plan out tomorrow and in doing that we really aren’t living in the present. We aren’t allowing ourselves the simple joy of that moment. Society tells us to go, go, go and plan, plan, plan. However- if we spent a little more time just enjoying the moments and basking in the feelings of contentment instead of worrying about or planning for tomorrow we’d feel so much more peace.
Remember friends… time… the gregorian calendar… all of it are ideas created by man and man is not infallible. So take a little time today to just be content.
Remember you are beautifully and wonderfully made and I love you.
Angel, thank you for sharing this beautiful dream of contentment. Your kindness and generosity truly shows the Beautiful soul that you truly have…
Greg, thank you for the beautiful comment. You are a beautiful soul and I have appreciated our friendship so much.